WIP: Inquisitor 54mm Imperial Guard Conversions

A few conversions (from back in 2013-ish) to try and add some variety to the Inquisitor Imperial Guard line.

Below: A conversion off of the Sergeant Black model with some upgrade bits: a metal bolter and a 28mm Imp. Guard hvy weapon.


A conversion off of a Polish Calvary model,  to make the first of two commissars. Chainsword is a conversion of an oversized 28mm chainsword from Kromlech, maybe?


A conversion off of  54mm Napoleonic to work as a Imp. Guard  officer

IMG_0620 IMG_0622

A conversion of a Stalingrad sniper at 1:35 scale, so a little small, so the legs flash was left in place and functions as an undercoat to add heft and length to the model.


3 responses to “WIP: Inquisitor 54mm Imperial Guard Conversions

  1. Pingback: Inquisitor (54mm): Central Casting (Bitplayers, Dayplayers, Extras, Background and Supporting Cast) | MIDDLING WARS :Models:Terrain:Simulation:Catastrophe:·

  2. Which company makes those Napoleonics? They look like great sculpts. I’ve been looking to get my hands on some British Riflemen to convert into Praetorians for a new warband, and I’m struggling to find decent models.

  3. I’m not sure of the companies, as I got most of the models from foreign sellers on ebay. Searches for “54mm resin, 54mm russian resin, 54mm polish” usually work. Then when I find one mini I tend to search the sellers ‘items for sale.’

    -The Middling

    Here’s a start below:



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